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June 1st Duke of Devon PubStumpers - Inspector Sloan visits the jailhouse and looks for clues to the June 2nd Duke of Devon Murder Mystery. Subtle and sophisticated humour...but not in this video. Of course, Quizmaster Jillian is able to not only give you tonight's Winning Advantage questions, she also dishes up an ego crushing performance...

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May 25th PubStumpers - Even General Manager Spiros is not safe from the wide net cast by Inspector Sloan. Desperate to solve the upcoming June 2nd Chilling Mystery at the Duke of Devon, and get the jelly doughnut stain out of his police uniform, the Inspector fails to come up with tonight's Winning Advantage PubStumpers questions. We're gonna need a Super Hero...

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Inspector Sloan reaches out to Psychic Mesmo in an effort to get clues for an upcoming murder mystery evening at the Duke of Devon. Please help him solve this terrible crime - you could win BIG. Can he at least uncover tonight's PubStumpers winning advantage questions?

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Our weekly videos have resumed for Season 3 of PubStumpers. We've taken a new approach to the production, and we've got more fun things in store. Come out tonight at 7pm and bring your answers to the Winning Advantage questions in this video!

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We are thrilled to recognize server Shawna's 6 years at Toronto's Duke of Devon pub. Colleagues and guests alike contribute their messages of love - and we've added a little twist. Using a split-screen technique, you can see Shawna's actual reactions as she watches the video for the first time. Farewell Shawna and safe travels to British Columbia!

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Mary DeChambres is a television production editor who is an Emmy Award winner for her craft. In this video, Mary eloquently describes what it is like to be recognized for the quality of her work. After watching this video, you will certainly understand the importance and value of recognizing and rewarding achievements at work and in the community.

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Tonight is the season finale for PubStumpers. Winners of our two contests will be announced LIVE at the Duke of Devon, right after the game! Watch this video and learn how to win!

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An important PubStumpers announcement from Quizmaster Jillian.

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Get your Winning Advantage for tonight's PubStumpers game. Jillian also fills us in on the two contests that are live now, and she shares with us some of the qualities that make for a winning PubStumpers team.

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If you are a people manager you will know that one of the keys to having engaged employees is to have a culture of recognizing good behaviours. That's what this conference is all about.

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