Life's A Journey Not A Destination!


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Whoo Hooo to all of you PubStumpers players who will arrive on time Wednesday 7pm at Barrie's Bull & Barrel Pub!

Your ticket to ride will be first class every time you grab a seat, play the game and indulge in great food and drink! 

Awesome service, loads of fun, and friendly smiles each time you get on-board. And admission is FREE! 

And don't forget to drop your business card with your name and e-mail into the bucket each week that you play. The more times you play and enter, the closer to winning the grand prize you will be. 

We will be announcing the grand prize shortly and it will be awarded at the December 7th game. 

So ALL ABOARD for this Wednesday!  If you miss it, you'll miss it!

Many thanks to Clearview Station Bed and Breakfast and the Creemore Caboose for their assistance with this episode.