What Real Prizes Are, Where They Are!


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During the first half of this season of LIVE PubStumpers Trivia at Barrie's Bull and Barrel Pub, ETRdotTV has awarded prizes galore. 

They have included a weekend with two Pin Up Boarding Stand-up Paddle Boards, a round of golf for two people at Simoro Golf Links, Gift Cards courtesy of the Bull, and even free hospitality for a couple of lucky teams. 

There is more to come. This Wednesday after the 7pm game, we will be drawing for a beautiful framed poster of Auston Matthews courtesy of the Icebox Cards and Collectibles.

After the rookie sensation scored the overtime goal to lead the Leafs to the win this past Saturday, that poster is sure to be even more coveted! 

Watch the video now to get your Winning Advantage Question and be better prepared for the win this Wednesday. 

We will see you there!